

Mobile solution for a franchise that helps organize and manage intellectual team competitions

About client

ReQuizit — is a franchise that organizes intellectual quizzes that take place on Wednesdays and Sundays in restaurants. The project was first launched in Kazan in 2016. We worked on a user-friendly application design to help organize the team and register for games.

How it works

The users can find the nearest events in the news feed. Book a place in front of the quiz at a convenient time.
Find yourself a team: create a new one or join a coexisting one! The team's profile displays the team's statistics and the location of the upcoming game. Discuss the game through team chat!


We made the application useful and comfortable so that you have a lot of fun during the quizzes.
Successful games!
UI/UX Design Образование Медиа и развлечения
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