
Week to Succeed is a App that helps setting SMART Goals

Week to Succeed is a Goal Setting App that helps setting SMART Goals and tracking progress towards achieving them.

What is a SMART Goal

S — Specific: What do you want to achieve?
M — Measurable: How do you measure the result?
A — Attractive: Are you interested in achieving your goal?
R — Relevant: Does it seem worthwhile?
T — Time-based: What is a time limit for this goal?

How it works

  1. Create a goal for the week
  2. Add subgoals
  3. Track progress and contribute results
  4. Achieve and celebrate success!


  • Detailed instructions and examples for formulating SMART goals
  • Establishment of 2 types of goals: quantitative and non-quantitative
  • Adding subgoals: divide a large goal into small steps
  • Smart system for tracking progress using 2 types of diagrams
  • Control of entered result records
  • Tracking statistics for all created user goals
  • Daily notifications that will not let you give up
  • Nice and intuitive user interface
iOS Front-end Back-end UI/UX Design Лайфстайл Образование
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